Happy Birthday to the St Edmund’s Crafty Knitters group which has just celebrated its first birthday.
The group was formed at the end of January 2012 and has been meeting twice a month in St. Edmund’s Church Hall, Downham Market ever since.
Highlights of the Crafty Knitters’ first year include a trip on the Maid of Fibre canal boat, a ‘Knit in Public’ event on the Town Square and a visit to the Alexandra Palace Knit and Stitch Show.
In addition, they appeared in “Simply Knitting” as club of the month, and took part in a national campaign for homelessness charity St Mungo’s by knitting lots and lots of orange woolly hats.
There are over 30 Crafty Knitters and new group members are always very welcome.

The Crafty Knitters meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10-12 am, and every last Tuesday of the month 7-9 pm at St. Edmund’s Church Hall.
More information is available on the group’s blog and facebook page. Alternatively, contact Florence Gromett on [email protected].