Be Prepared…
Flooding, although uncommon in the local area, can be an unpredictable phenomenon, and it s best to be prepared if the worst comes.
Around five million people are beleived to be at risk of flooding in England and Wales alone, so the Enviroment Agency recomends you assemble a flood kit in preperation for a natrual disaster. The kit should include:
- Copies of your home insurance documents and passports/driving licenses.
- A portable radio (with spare batteries).
- A torch (with spare batteries).
- Appropriate clothing and blankets.
- A first aid kit, including any prescription medication.
- Bottled water and non-perishable foods.
- Baby care items and food (if needed).
- A list of important contact numbers.
The kit should be kept in a safe place, be small enough to carry and should be easy to retrieve if needed. The Enviroment Agency also recommend that you move treaured items (such as family photos and videos) to a safe location. A telephone service which offers information on flood warnings/alerts and advice on how to prepare for a flood is open 24 hours a day, and can be contacted on 0845 988 1188. The most likely places to be affected by flooding in the local area are Kings Lynn, Wiggenhall St Germans, Downham West, and Salters Lode. The River Great Ouse is likely to overflow in the event of high winds and heavy rain, putting Downham Market and at risk of flooding aswell.
[From left to right- Kevin Kent, Andrew Chapman and Adam Foster] The Enviroment Agency recently paid a visit to Downham Market, informing the public on potential flooding in the town.
Flood Warnings
Check this widget supplied by the Enviroment Agency to see if your area has recieved flood warning. During the event of a flood, it is possible that water will flow into your property, damaging possesions inside. To avoid this, you should invest in some sandbags. Your council may provide some, but they will be in short supply. As an alternative, you can make your own by filling pillowcases or plastic bags with sand or earth. Use these bags to block small gaps in doors and walls that would otherwise allow water in. This can also be done by using Floodboards. These attach to the frames around your windows and doors, and can be cleaned and reused after a flood. Six inches of fast-flowing flood water has been known to knock over adults while two feet of it can easily move a small car. It is therefore advised that you avoid walking through it. The the water may also be contaminated with sewage, so if you touch it, wash your hands thoroughly. In an extreme case of flooding, you may be asked to evacuate. You will be taken to an evacuation centre, where free food and bedding is provided by your council. When being evacuated, be sure to bring your flood kit with you. The aftermath of the flood may result in you having to take steps in reparing your propety. In most cases a loss adjuster will be sent by your insurance company. They will view your property and decide what replacements and repairs are need and whether your policy covers them or not. You will also need to keep visual evidence of any damage caused by the flood, and list the damage done to your belongings and use a permanent ink pen to mark the level that the water reached in each room. Following these steps will help you overcome the worst aspects of flooding, For more information on flooding, please visit the Enviroment Agency Website.