The community portal site for Downham Market since 2007

Downham Heritage Society sale and parade float

Downham Market Heritage Society will be hosting another Tabletop sale at the Old Fire Station, Priory Road on Sunday 1st June from 9am – 12 noon.

As you know these have been very popular and have raised valuable funds for the
Society. In addition to the many items for sale there will be refreshments and a raffle. Their Appeal Fund has now just edged over the £5000 mark.

Also, For the first time, Downham Market & District Heritage Society is entering a
Float into the Festival Parade on Monday 26th May.

The ‘Float Team’ headed by Christine Leader have been working really hard on
the display and think it looks “great…..and amusing…..” and they hope “you and the
judges will agree.”

They will also have a stall with Tombola and a Dice game on the Howdale. Finally, they will be selling tickets for the Tom Barker “Old Downham’ slide show which will be held at 7.30pm on Friday 13th June in the Town Hall. This will be a rare opportunity to see this collection, and all proceeds go towards the Appeal Fund. Tickets just £5.



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