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Bon A-Pet Treat

greendoggoldbagA Norfolk luxury pet-food manufacturer has launched the world’s most expensive dog food — on sale for a jaw-dropping £100 per kilo or £7,200 per year.

Green Dog Gold, produced by Downham Market-based holistic dog-food company Green Dog Food, contains organic truffle, saffron, caviar and lobster and is said to rival restaurant cuisine for its “impeccable” quality.

Each “extravagantly delicious” 2kg bag costs £200 – nearly 60 times the price of standard pooch fodder.

Based upon normal portion sizes, it will take the average dog just 10 days to consume it at a cost of £20 per day or £10 per BOWL.

A single month’s supply will set you back £600.
The “super-premium” dry food, which contains no additives or artificial colours, and is also GM-free, takes up to 12 weeks to prepare.

It is available on request from today through the luxury pet food maker, Green Dog Food.

Green Dog Food MD Simon Booth said Green Dog Gold was created in response to repeated requests for an “ultra-luxury” product from the firm’s celebrity customers.

Booth, an expert on canine nutrition, said: “We count some of the UK’s most affluent dog owners among our customers. These include MDs, CEOs, celebrities and other VIPs for whom money is simply no object.

“Many have repeatedly asked us if we could create a special recipe incorporating some of the world’s finest foods. 

Green Dog Gold, which has taken almost 12 months to perfect, is the result.

“Given its ultra-luxury, limited-edition status, we need a minimum 500 orders to roll out production.

“But we are already experiencing a lot of interest in Green Dog Gold. It’s unashamedly the canine equivalent of ‘bling’ and is the perfect gift for very pampered pooches.”



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